Greening Paris on Clear Channel Radio

10 October, 2014

Paris Is Always A Good Idea - R20 Regions of Climate Action

by Paige Donner

Speaking this evening from the Palais Bourbon in Paris, Arnold Schwarzenegger said that, "Paris is always a good idea."

He then launched into how pivotal the roles are to be played at regional and city levels for taking action to mitigate climate change now and in the coming decades.

This was the evening cap to the first day of R20, Regions of Climate Action. It was fittingly held at the Assemblée Nationale following the day's panels and speakers at the Palais d'Iéna.

Schwarzenegger illustrated that California is a prime example of how effective and instrumental regions can be. He noted that while he was governor of the Golden State tangible progress - on many levels - to establish a greener economy and infrastructure were successfully put in place and implemented.

R20 Regions o f Climate Action is an international non-profit organization founded by former California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, in 2010. Its mission is to help states, provinces, regions, cities and other sub-national governments to develop low-carbon and climate resilient economic development projects, as well as policies and best practices for mitigating climate change. 
Follow R20 on Facebook:
and Twitter: @Regions20

All photos by Paige Donner copyright 2014 Paige Donner All Rights Reserved. 

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